General information:
Main steps of the scientific career:
June, 1991: Master degree at the Novosibirsk State University,
Speciality Geophysics.
1991 - today: Permanent resesarch positions at the Institute
of Geology, Institute of Geophysics (many different names of the same institution)
June, 1995: PhD THESIS at the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics
and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Speciality Geophysics.
1996-1997: Postdoc at the Geosciences Azur, Villefranche-sur-Mer,
2002-2004: Three years of postdoc position at GeoForschungsZentrum
Potsdam (SFB 267), Germany.
2006: One year of postdoc position at GeoForschungsZentrum
Potsdam (MERAMEX Project), Germany.
May, 2007: Habilitation (Doktor Nauk) at Institute of Geology and Mineralogy,
SB RAS, Novosibirsk.
Since 2008: Head of Laboratory for Seismic Forward and Inverse Problems
The main scientific achievements:
Together with a team of young researchers and students we develop practical algorithms for working with different observation schemes, mostly based on travel times of body seismic waves. These algorithms are used for various fundamental and applied problems on scales from first meters to thousands kilometers. The main common features of the tomographic algorithms are following:
1. Quasi-continuous parameterization. The velocity field is computed in nodes distributed within the study area according to the ray density. We always use node spacing which is significantly smaller than sizes of the expected anomalies. To reduce any effect of the grid to the result, we perform the inversions for several rotated grids and then stack the results.
2. Ray tracing. We have created our own code for ray tracing which is based on bending method. We have produced several modifications of the ray tracer algorithms, including 2D and 3D isotropic and anisotropic versions, tracers for reflected and head waves in a multilayered model etc.
3. Source location. In case of passive source schemes, we perform source location which is based on the algorithm of a goal function searching. The version we use is rather robust (does not depend on starting point for searching) and is relatively fast.
4. Synthetic testing. We have produced an efficient tool for generating 3D synthetic models of complex shape. In contrast to most of other codes, we model the full inversion procedure which includes initial locations of sources in a 1D model and optimization of the reference model.
These algorithms have been implemented in different passive and active seismic tomography codes:
P-velocity anomalies at 50 km depth beneath Europe from Koulakov et al., (2009) |
Selected publications: